

  1. The Gram Nyayalayas Act, 2008
  2. The National Judicial Appointments Commission Act, 2014
  3. Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act-2013
  4. The Criminal Law Amendment Act-2013
  5. The Whistle Blower's Protection Act- 2011
  6. The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Amendment) Act, 2014
  7. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009
  8. The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006
  9. Food Safety and Standards Act- 2006
  10. The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act -2006
  11. Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act 2010
  12. The Constitution 98th Amendment Act, 2012
  13. The Constitution (97th Amendment) Act, 2011
  14. The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2010
  15. The National Green Tribunal Act, 2010
  16. The Securities and Insurance Laws (Amendment and Validation) Act, 2010
  17. The Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products Prohibition Of Advertisement And Regulation Of Trade And Commerce Production Supply And Distribution Amendment Act 2007
  18. The Cable Television Networks(Regulation) Amendment Act, 2007
  19. The Carriage By Road Act 2007
  20. The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Amendment) Act, 2014
  21. The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Act, 2013
  22. The Constitution 99th (Amendment) Act, 2014
  23. The Delimitation Amendment Act 2008
  24. The Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Act, 2008
  25. The Electricity (Amendment) Act, 2007
  26. The Food Safety and Standards (Amendment) Act, 2008
  27. The Governors Emoluments, Allowances And Privileges) Amendment Act, 2014
  28. The Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2008
  29. The Merchant Shipping Amendment Act 2007
  30. The National Food Security Act, 2013
  31. The National Highways Authority of India (Amendment) Act, 2013
  32. The National Investigation Agency Act, 2008
  33. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Amendment) Act, 2013
  34. The Telecom Regulatory Authority Of India (Amendment) Act, 2014
  35. Land Acquisition Act, 1894
  36. The Indian Telegraph (Amendment) Act, 2003
  37. The Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005
  38. The Special Economic Zones Act, 2005
  39. The Commissions For Protection of Child Rights (Amendment)Act, 2006
  40. The Constitution Scheduled Tribes Order Amendment Act, 2006
  41. The Disaster Management Act, 2005
  42. The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act , 2006
  43. The Indian Telegraph (Amendment) Act, 2006
  44. The Child Labour (Prohibition and regulation) Act, 1986
  45. NDPS Act, notification dt. 11.4.2011
  46. The Legal Metrology Act, 2009
  47. The Notaries Act, 1952
  48. The Essential Commodities Act, 1955
  49. Benami Transaction Prohibition Act ,1988
  50. Prevention of corruption (Amendment)  Bill, 2013
  51. The Indian  Stamp Act, 1899
  52. The Prisoners Act, 1900

Source: Official Website of WBJA, Last Updated on 30-01-2025

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